Gotham High Staff Room


Assessment, Marking and Reporting Policy 

1.1 Assessment

1.1.1 Teachers must use a variety of appropriate, valid and reliable assessment strategies.

1.1.2 Teachers must base their assessments on Education Act and Board of Studies syllabus outcomes that are relevant to their students’ stage of learning. 

1.1.3 All of the assessment tasks contribute to the students' final grade. Tasks that have not been completed due to illness or misadventure must be supported by a Doctor's Certificate which must be given to the teacher upon the student's return to school.

1.1.4 All students must undertake the following assessments:

1) National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Year 7 and 9. For further information on the NAPLAN, please refer to this link:

2) Essential Secondary Science Asssessment (ESSA) in Year 8. For further information on the ESSA, please refer to this link:

1.2 Marking

1.2.1 The students’ performance on formal assessments is marked with reference to the Common Grade Scale (

1.2.2 Teachers must meticulously collect and record assessment results in order to monitor students' academic progress and guide ongoing teaching and learning.

1.3 Reporting 

1.3.1 A report of the students’ academic progress is sent home to the students’ parents usually near the end of Term 2 and Term 4.

1.3.2 Days that are designated for parent-teacher meetings are held several times per year.

1.3.2 Parents who are interested in talking to their child's teacher about their child's academic progress can arrange a face-to-face or telephone interview with the teacher at a mutually convenient time.

Assessment Developers and Markers for Each Year Group

Term 1

Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Year 7
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee
Mrs Lee

Mrs Lee

Year 8

Mr Aiken

Mr Aiken

Mr Aiken

Mr Aiken

Year 9

Miss Simpson

Miss Simpson

Miss Simpson

Miss Simpson

Year 10

Mrs Lee & Mr Aiken

Mrs Lee & Mr Aiken

Mrs Lee & Mr Aiken

Mrs Lee & Mr Aiken

Year 11

Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Year 12

Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley
Mr Watson & Miss Shelley

Assessment Grids for Each Year:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

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